• Leona Kamp's Recipe
    We are the self proclaimed "Ham Loaf Capital of The Universe" and still have Leona Kamp's original ham loaf recipe from the 50's on the website! This is a very nostalgic recipe close to our heart so try something different this holiday!
  • Pricing is approximate, exact price is based on cost upon arrival after being weighed. SIZE OPTIONS: HALF (4-7 LBS) APPX.OR WHOLE HAM (10-14 LB) APPX. PRICE: $5.99/LB NOTE: Please check out the original Schwab's bone in hams which you can purchase in halves and wholes. That's our personal favorite except for Bill's Smoked Ham of course 😊  
  • Pricing is approximate, exact price is based on cost upon arrival. SIZE OPTIONS: HALF (8-9/LBS) OR WHOLE HAM (16-18/LBS) PRICE: $4.99/LB
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